Interface ConsoleUsageProviderInterface


Fully Qualified Name: Laminas\ModuleManager\Feature\ConsoleUsageProviderInterface



Name Description Defined By
getConsoleUsage() Returns an array or a string containing usage information for this module's Console commands. ConsoleUsageProviderInterface

Method Details


Returns an array or a string containing usage information for this module's Console commands.

The method is called with active Laminas\Console\Adapter\AdapterInterface that can be used to directly access Console and send output.

If the result is a string it will be shown directly in the console window. If the result is an array, its contents will be formatted to console window width. The array must have the following format:

return array(
           'Usage information line that should be shown as-is',
           'Another line of usage info',

           '--parameter'        =>   'A short description of that parameter',
           '-another-parameter' =>   'A short description of another parameter',
Parameter Name Type Description
$console \AdapterInterface

Returns: array|string|null
